I sold my FUJI S5Pro in 2014 and I bought it Again in 2019.
Is there a Ratio behind that Re-Buy? YES... And that ratio is the WHY of my Photography!
First - Photography is for my a combination of mindfullness and tactile Experience.
Second - Photography is the creative work before and after the shoot.
THird - I love my NIKON Lenses
Is There a Special Magic ? 
Photography is a kind of daily art of life. The process is as important as the outcome. 
The S5Pro is slow, even slower with a AI-S Lens, such as the Nikkor 105mm 1.8. The tactile Experience with the body and user concept is still excellent.
The MONOCHROME Setting for JPGs gives a pleasing result. 
Left OOC Monochrome  - Middle RAW - Right RAW Processed  TRI X StYle
LENS NIKKOR 105mm 1.8 at 2.8 
And the skintones  - here F1b - can still produce stunning results out of camera. Here with the Nikkor AF-D 35mm 2.0
THE FILES are 12 MP this is good for a 55cM WIde 1:1 On A 5K A MAC. DO I need more?
The 24 MP on MY FUJI X-H1 are great for cropping but most of the time 12 MP are the perfect fit.

This 12 MP Sensor gives a good Portion of Flexibility for Postprocuction in Lightroom.
Left side RAW unProcessed - Right SIde After Lightroom Work
...to keep a long story short...a few days after the rebuy of the S5Pro the older Brother the S2Pro arrived
I never expected such a good handling
Currently I can´t present any capture taken with the S2Pro. The S2Pro accecpts only FAT16 Formated CF Cards with a Maximum of 2 GB, but the order for such small CF Cards is placed.

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